New public Media Savvy workshop. Delivered online this May.
It’s time to embrace your inner media tart and gain your share of the media spotlight.
If you want to land media coverage in print, radio, TV and online - this is the four-part, online workshop for you.
Join from anywhere.
You may be a publicist, media liasion officer or marketer. You might want to boost sales, support, highlight an injustice or promote a better way of doing something.
Maybe you’re a small business person or overworked CEO needing to get media to help you build a brand. Even journslists-turned-publicists have taken the Media Savvy workshop.
Whatever it is that you seek, nothing delivers more bang for buck, credibility or influence than media coverage. How else can you reach 80,000 people at no cost while enjoying the kudos that media coverage brings?
Why Brett?
Brett is a former journalist and radio broadcaster turned publicist. His PR agency, Hootville Communications has scored 1000+ media hit for some of the most nuanced and ‘unsexy’ issues out there - disabilities, mental illness, homelessness, police violence, dying with dignity, climate change and more.
Brett knows that media coverage is not for other people, businesses or issues. It’s for you. You don’t have to be a celebrity or controversy-seeker to secure print, radio and television coverage that will dramatically build your profile, influence and sales. Media Savvy gives you the skills you need.
Brett was selected by Al Gore’s team to present a keynote version of the Media Savvy workshop to 520 environmentalists at the Climate Reality extravaganza. More than a dozen participants secured media coverage in the room, on the day. Lesson - media coverage goes to those who ask.
The agenda is below but here’s what you get that you’ll find nowhere else:
Numerous specific story ideas and media targets from Brett that you pursue. No client is too niche, too serious or too low-profile.
Specific training on how to make that call to journalists and make your pitch. This is VITAL as you only get one chance to make your case. Brett will coiach you through and play the role of harried journalist.
A 100% No Coverage, No Fee money back guarantee.
If you don’t secure media coverage as a direct result of this workshop and Brett’s follow up coaching we’ll return you’re fee in full. Money returned since 1999 - $0.
This is our only public Media Savvy workshop for 2023. Take the chance to develop your skills and connect with with your fellow publicists and communications folk.
This practical four-session digital marketing course has a myriad of examples to learn from. Plus the small group means that there’s lots of time to have your specific issues addresed.
Plus, as always, there’s follow-up coaching - choose from three options.
Media Savvy is delivered online over four, two hour sessions 10am to noon Tuesdays May 9, 16, 23 and 30.
This ain’t a theory-driven agenda, it’s all about securing influential free media coverage by journalists based on your well conceived, well packaged, well pitched stories. You’ll should score a 1000% on your investment - after all what’s an interview on the nightly news worth? How about 800 word story in The Guardian?
What exactly do journalists want?
Deciding your expertise and issues.
Summarising your policies, views and platforms.
Pitching your story - making the right first impression when you call your journalist.
Story mining - how to tuen other people’s activity into coverage for you.
Story mining - creating media coverage to suit you from thin air.
Packaging story ideas - fleshing out your story with stats, case studies, experts and more.
Finding stories in data, trends and surveys.
Building media relationships from scratch.
PR by the stars - timing yout story pitches for to maximise success.
Overlooked but powerful media opportunities that occur hourly.
Writing standout media releases.
Questions to ask the journalist after getting a “yes”.
Leveraging media coverage.
Broadening your media diet to uncover new opportunities.
Opinion pieces.
Maximising your events’ media potential.
Damage control - handling a crisis.
When and how to hold a press conference or doorstop.
Making your website more media friendly.
Developing a media calendar.
Media monitoring - is it worthwhile. DIY alternatives.
bottomless Q&A.
You’ll end up with a definitive list of your expertise and issues, your stance on key issues, an expanded list of prospective media targets, data you have or need to gather, key dates and catalysts, draft or completed media releases and more. You’ll have identified yout spokespeople. You may well have landed your first ‘hit’.
Join from anywhere via Zoom.
Workshop + 4 weeks follow-up coaching: $1100 inc GST
Workshop + 26 weeks follow-up coaching: $2200 inc GST
Workshop + 52 weeks of follow-up coaching: $4400 inc GST.
Fees listed are for one person. Additional participants welcome at $330 inc GST per person.