25th anniversary gifts for you

To mark Hootville’s 25th anniversary we’re giving away 25 hours of consultation with our Mayor Brett de Hoedt.

Twenty-five organisations will enjoy an hour of complimentary consultation with Brett about all things marketing, media, communications or campaigning. Perhaps websites, email marketing or social media are your current concern. That’s fine by me.

This once-in-a-quarter-century offer is open to nonprofit and community organsations.

Sessions will be via Zoom and last up to one hour.

If you think you only need 20 minutes that’s fine too.

You will set the agenda. Brett will give you his best advice.

Terms and conditions

You must:

  • be a Hootville Lowdown subscriber;

  • have a desire for advice about specific challenges or projects;

  • gather your team for the session including decisionmakers who might need convincing;

  • have lots of questions ready;

  • be open to actioning some of Brett’s advice;

  • complete a three-minute evaluation that may be used for Hootville’s marketing.

Brett will select the successful applicants who will be listed in the Hootville Lowdown.

No correspondence will be entered into.

How to apply

  1. If you are not already, subscribe to the Hootville Lowdown newsletter and encourage your team to do likewise. The more the merrier. The Lowdown is free, occasional and helpful.

  2. Complete the form below.

  3. Open upcoming Hootville Lowdowns to see if you’ve been succesful.


New public Media Savvy workshop. Delivered online this May.